Thursday, May 27, 2010

We got new pictures! She is growing up! Emily turned 8 months on the 22nd. I can't believe she is still not home. H*gue is awful & combine that with an agency who sits on paperwork & you just want to pull your hair out!
These pictures were taken at the beginning of May, so she was 7 months old here.

I love these pictures, she is not so bundled up. It says she is 16.5 lbs & no teeth. We are at the waiting for TA stage & there is nothing we can do now but WAIT! It is driving me nuts, but there is nothing to do. I got her crib scrubbed down, now I just have to put it together. I am still debating whether to put it in our bedroom or what will be her room & have a pack n play in our room. She will eventually be sharing a room with her sister but we are planning to have her in our room at first.
There is so much I still need to get done & I know I should be doing it but instead I sit & obsess over the charts for H*gue families on RQ. I sent her another care package the other day & included a soft album with pictures of all of us, so hopefully she will play with it & get to know our faces through pictures.