Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's a Girl!

We are so happy!
Her name is
Yong Xiao Ning
She is from Hunan Province
She weighs 11 lbs
Born September 22, 2009


  1. I think she is grand. And I think she looks a little like your son. Very cool.

  2. Our daughter is from the same SWI I think Congratulations We should talk


  3. Congrats on your beautiful and young girl! She shares a birthday with our daughter (who is now almost 3.5) and our daughter is also from Hunan!

    Trace7, RQ

  4. Congratulations! We have a daugther from Hunan - you'll enjoy your stay in her province!
    What a beautiful little baby she is!!!!!

  5. Congratulations! Our daughter is from the same orphanage. You should be traveling at a wonderful time. Both of our daughters are from Hunan and we have traveled in the winter and the summer. Spring should be idea!

  6. Congratulations!!! Your long wait is now over!

  7. Congratulations!!! My daughter is from the same SWI and I travelled to China in November 2009. I would love to talk with you if you have any questions, etc. We also have a yahoo group you may wish to join: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/daoxianswi/

    I got goosebumps when I looked at your pictures and realized your sweet daughter is at the same SWI my Hannah was. They were there together!!

    Hannah came to me healthy and developmentally on par with children her age. I truly believe the children in the DaoXian SWI are well cared for.

    My email is: catherineryan@rogers.com and my blog is www.catherineschatter.blogspot.com


  8. Congratulations on your referral!! When you are ready to get her newspaper finding ad (with a great photo of her months younger than the referral photos!) come visit us. We have tons of information about her orphanage, etc.

    Have a quick trip!!!


  9. Congrats on your referral... enjoy the rest of the week cause you will not sleep at all :)

  10. Many congratulations!! Your daughter is just beautiful!!

  11. Congratulations for your so beautiful little daughter !!! She is so lovely !!

    Géraldine from France and also mother of 6 years old daughter from Yongzhou !!!

  12. Congratulations your daughter is so cute. I adopted y son from Hunan July 2007 and they told me kids from Hunan are Spicey and he is so get ready for lots of FUN. Right now I am in Russia adopting my 2nd son and I noticed your daughter has the same birthday of my 2nd son Sept 22nd how funny is that. Well good luck and enjoy every monute of it!!!!!!!!


  13. Congratulations!!! She is adorable!!! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to watch all of the Flying Tigers come home with their new babies!!!


  14. What a doll! I also have a spicy girl from Hunan. Congratulations!

  15. Yahoo! That long wait tests every bit of you, doesn't it? (Only to melt away the moment you see her sweet face). Congratulations!

  16. Oh my goodness...what a cutie! Congrats!!

  17. Congratulations on your referral; she's a doll! The photos remind me so much of our daughter's referral photos; she's also from Dao SWI. We went to China November 2008. Seems so long ago now.
