Friday, June 11, 2010


I am so happy to say we finally got TA yesterday! I tentatively leave on July 1st! It is finally happening! We will know our consulate date on Monday, which will determine our final travel plans. I don't know what I will do being away from my family for 2 weeks. I have never been away that long. I think the longest I have been away from my husband was the 1.5 weeks I was in Vietnam after he went home. The longest I have been away from Christopher was 2 days after his sister was born & I have never been away from Olivia more than 13 hours while at work. I see big tears in my future. I am just going to eat them up over the next 2 weeks. My heart aches already thinking about how I will miss them. But they are going to be in for a big surprise when I get home with a new sister! Christopher has gotten so used to seeing Emily's picture that he says her name everytime he sees her picture. Yesterday, he was chanting "Emmy Kate, Emmy Kate, Emmy Kate!" after he saw her picture on the computer. I can't wait to have them all together. She started this journey to parenthood for us & what a blessing it will be to finally get to love on her & kiss her face. I can't wait to get my girl!!!!!


  1. Congratulations on your TA. You'll be pretty busy in China, so you won't have a lot of time to think about who you're missing before you're right back home again. Good luck!

  2. Yippee!!! I so happy for you! I've been checking-in on your blog (an admitted RQ blog stalker) to see how everything was working out. I cannot believe all you have gone through! Best wishes for easy travels to bring home you daughter!
