Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone has a good 4th of July today. We are at the end of our 4th of July day today. We were up at 4:15 this morning & headed off to the airport. Our flight left at 8:10 but due to Jaime & I being on board, the flight really took off after 9 am. That is they way our luck has been going. We were just happy it took off. Amy is our guide in Changsha & she met us at the airport. She is very nice. We checked into the Dolton Hotel, it is very grand. There is a bowling alley, spa, ping pong tables, 2 or 3 restaurants, night club, shopping center & bar in the hotel. It is huge! We were suppossed to get Emily tomorrow morning at 10:30 but now it will be 3:00 pm. Emily's orpahanage is 6 hours away from Changsha & most of the trip will be on unpaved roads. So it is going to be a long day for her. I started getting nervous today & anxious about meeting her, I really cannot believe that the day is here.
I hope the drive to Changsha is not too hard for her.

Our internet wasn't working properly at our hotel in Beijing so I still need to post on our touring day there, but I am honestly so exhausted right now it will have to wait. Please say prayers for us tomorrow & as we become a family of 5! I wish that Dean could be here to meet his daughter but he will have a lifetime to love her.


  1. Karen, Emily will be ok . When you get to civil affairs office make sure your camera is ready. we got to the third floor and heard crying all the babies where already there. Have Jamie start videoing everything so Dean can see his daughter just as you did. Be ready for lots of layers.

    Hannah Rose-Min (Yong Xiao Min)
    Gotcha day 4/26/2010

  2. Just take a deep breath and get as much sleep as you can before your road trip.

    All the best,

  3. I'm so proud of you girls for getting thru the travel adventure. Can't wait to hear all about it. I'll be praying hard till you are all home safely! Love ya-

  4. Karen, I can't imagine what you must be feeling! And I can't believe I missed your call :( I was sitting on the couch feeding Ace and I didn't hear it. I've been thinking about you all the time. I just can't belive you will have her in your arms very, very soon! I'll pray that she will manage the ride just fine. Give her a big kiss and hug for me and tell her, her future playmates send their love!!
