Sunday, July 11, 2010

We left Changsha & finally arrived in Guangzhou late last night. Our flight was running late, as every flight we have taken has been. We finally got in bed after 1 am. Emily did very good on the flight, she naturally cried at first but then went to sleep. We were shocked to see the plane that we were flying on. There were 54 people on the plane not counting the crew. We boarded on the runway. Surprisingly it was a very smooth flight once we got past the size of the aircraft.

We are staying at the White Swan Hotel & it is a beautiful hotel. There is a waterfall in the lobby of the hotel with a koi fish pond. Guangzhou is very different from where we have been. The architecture of the buildings is somewhat like New Orleans. The hotel is on the Pearl River so there is always a breeze & you don’t feel like you are suffocating. Tomorrow we go to a Temple & then to a jade factory.

Today Emily had her medical exam that the US government requires. She weighed in at 17 lbs & 27 inches long. She is a big girl! Her big sister weighed 18 lbs about 2 months ago, so maybe they will be wearing the same size in clothes for a little while.

Emily had to have 2 shots at her medical exam, she did pretty good with them. She naturally cried but recovered quickly, she is tough. She was flirting with all the nurses & doctors during the exams, giving them her big gummy grin.

She can eat really good, this morning she had a large portion of scrambled eggs, grapes, an orange slice & a Danish. She polished it all off. Tonight she had steamed rice, cucumbers, beef, eggplant & steamed egg. When she sees the food at the table she reaches for it. We found out that at her orphanage, they start them on solid food early. This is generally not the case for many orphanages. She is definitely not a bottle baby; she wants the real stuff!

There are 18 other families with our agency here, most of the families are special needs families. All of the children are so beautiful! We have enjoyed getting to know everyone. Several of the babies will have heart or cleft surgeries scheduled when they arrive home, I hope we can keep in touch with everyone. We all are missing home & counting down the days.


  1. This is Karen's sister. Sorry the post is late. I forgot to check my email.

  2. Karen she is so beautiful! I am so happy for you, Dean, and your other two little ones. Get ready for a crazy life- ours are 1, 3, and 5 and things are always interesting!

  3. Lovin' that smile...she is gorgeous! Terri
